Wednesday, November 14, 2012

8.E.1.1 - Can you explain the picture?

These students used their arms to symbolize the water cycle. Evaporation, condensation and precipitation at their tables. They then walked to the center and touched shoulders. Crazy! They turned the classroom into a...?

Use these words to describe. Watershed, Cohesion, Runoff.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Watersheds...In your journal?

Ok Ok :).  The picture doesn't quite show the educational benefits of this activity.  The contours of the paper allowed us to figure out that water obeys gravity!  Every single student created their own watershed.  By doing so, we were able to combine all of them into the picture you see above.  It is a crude outline of the state of North Carolina.  You folks did a great job figuring out that certain areas of North Carolina can only get water from certain areas!  We live in the Yadkin/Pee-Dee Watershed/River Basin, but there are 15 other river basins as well.

Great job!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

EDMODO - In effect!!!

Great job A and B days!  We have our classes online and working through EDMODO :).  Be prepared for upcoming alerts, assignments and other interesting things that will allow us to work socially through our curriculum!

While you're here though ... take a moment to POST your thoughts on EDMODO.  What are some positives/strengths that you're excited about using in the future?  What ways would you like to see EDMODO used in our classroom?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Guest Speaker - Southern Energy Management (10.26.12)

What better way to learn about 8.P.2 of our Essential Standards than from an expert! Ms. Allison Arpin did a wonderful job showing us examples of current Solar Energy products and ways to make the school more energy efficient. Hopefully you learned a few ways to conserve at your home :-).

Can you name one you have put into practice?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Energy Conversion Dominoes!

It appears that Miss Bennett is working hard against Miss Dixon and Mr Johnson here :-).

A great overall job by A Day working hard to take their knowledge of Energy and put it to the test. Energy, just like matter, can be manipulated into and out of different forms.
"A waffle was eaten for breakfast and the energy conversion was from chemical to kinetic energy!"
Can you remember some other energy conversions we saw in our game? How about some you see in your life?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

"P-A-V-E"ing the different Types of Energy

You guys did awesome with P-A-V-E!  A-Day on 10/17 and B-Day on 10/18.

We wanted to gather some expert knowledge regarding the different types of energy.  YOU DID IT!

You ... P - Predicted what you thought your energy type was.  A - Associated it with something you already know!  V - Verified where your actual energy comes from.  And ... E - Extended your learning into Language Arts with POEM Comprehension.  INSANE!

We now have some beginning information on Mechanical, Electrical, Sound, Solar, Nuclear, Chemical and Thermal Energy!  Look at one class's example :).

Which type of energy did you become an expert on?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The "Precipitate" Story ...

"It was raining on a cold snow covered day.  A weird guy went outside and started pee-ing in the snowy, rainy mush.  The crazy thing was that the rain/snow and the pee turned into a marshmallow!"

I was highly impressed by the group that created this one :).  However, I would not suggest eating their marshmallows...

How does this story explain a "precipitate"?

PROJECT DUE - 10/5/12!!!

Hey Guys and Gals!

Don't forget that your ADOPT-AN-ELEMENT PROJECT is due on Friday, 10/5/12!  Everyone is extremely excited to put together our ENORMOUS PERIODIC TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS OF TMS!  Ok, the title is a little long ... so I'll work on it.

If you have any questions, then just feel free to ask them below or email me directly (
