Thursday, October 25, 2012

Energy Conversion Dominoes!

It appears that Miss Bennett is working hard against Miss Dixon and Mr Johnson here :-).

A great overall job by A Day working hard to take their knowledge of Energy and put it to the test. Energy, just like matter, can be manipulated into and out of different forms.
"A waffle was eaten for breakfast and the energy conversion was from chemical to kinetic energy!"
Can you remember some other energy conversions we saw in our game? How about some you see in your life?


  1. That game was fun and i had fun matching up energys that were a like.

  2. I look so dumb in this pic.

  3. your class is easy

    1. I agree. If you follow all the directions given, then it makes learning organized and easy to achieve. So let's achieve!!!

  4. I had fun matching up energys that were alike.
